Friday, May 11, 2012

Don't Walk Before You Know

Yeah I walked last semester. It felt pretty good. It was a symbollic gesture of 16 years of hard work. It was a symbolic gesture of transcending the difficulties such as dyslexia, depression, ADHD, and a myriad of other disorders. It was a symbolic gesture of hope. It was a symbolic gesture of peace, for myself and for the world. However, when it really comes down to it, it was simply a symbollic gesture.
I still have one credit to pass before I graduate. So I really haven't graduated yet. This credit can be any single thing. It does not have to be in any certain class. It just has to be one credit. I asked my good friend and editor what I should take and he told me to take two .5 credit classes known as I-SYS 100 (excel) and 101 (powerpoint). I then asked others if I should take this class and each person has told me the same thing, that these classes are the easiest classes you will ever take and you need not worry about passing.
I would just like to use this blog to tell all of the people that told me this that I hate you. I'm in a dog fight. Nothing is more freightening than having your life plan being ruined by two classes that everyone else in the world seems to sleep through and pass. I haven't ever experienced something so stressful in my entire life. With this being stated I ask for all of your prayers in my behalf.
until next time

I'll be going HAM

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