Thursday, October 13, 2011

Knock it, Not Rock It

Here is a Wikipedia article that counter revolutionary Will Beback  has already deleted. To Will I share this with you... Open your mind and unfetter yourself from that which has kept your colleagues bound for thousands of year. My mind was once as yours, confused and bewildered yet through heavens grace's I have managed to find the truth. I have managed to see what needs to be seen. The great and honorable Andy Romney has opened my eyes to the truth... And the truth has set me free."

Knock it not rock it

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Knock It Not Rock It : Knock it not Rock it, a sociocultural movement based primarily on the rise of unnecessary and unwarranted social norms and the effect they play on the economy and society. While there have been many failed attempts regarding the creation of the "Knock it, not Rock it" movement, the first successful movement of the "knock not rock" revolution occurred in 2010. "Knock not Rock" represents a shift in the ideals of society. Though American in origin, many failed attempts of knock not rock have occurred. These times include but are not limited to the French Revolution, the rise of the Roman Empire, the assassinations of Julius Cesar, Abraham Lincoln, and Archduke Franz Ferdinand. In 1212 it is predicted that time magazine will write an article concerning the racial, political and social movement called "knock it not rock it."
How to Knock it not Rock it For hundreds of years society has depended upon various handshakes to present various feelings of emotion. One of the most popular handshakes in contemporary society is "the Rock." Where the man giving the handshake clenches his fists and goes to bump the other mans fist. Thus the two hands bump together as though they are two rocks hitting one another. Knocking each others hands is similar to "rocking" one another's hands. However, as John Quincy Adams, the fifth president of the United States, once stated concerning this issue "the small differences make all of the differences." Instead of pounding the fists in the form of a rock the individual giving the hand shake turns his fist straightway toward's heaven and acts as if his clench fist is knocking a door. Thus the action is completed and the contract between friends is completed.
'Historical Attempts to promote "knocking not rocking"' Revolutionaries throughout the centuries have attempted to institute "knock it not rock it" throughout their society. However all have continuously failed until now. 'French Revolution: Following the storming of the bastille in July of 1789, the revolutionary French government was facing a divide amongst many of its members. As time progressed this divide grew greater and greater until many individuals called for the bringing back of absolutist ruler and tyrant Loius XVI. However, in 1791 Jacobin, Jean Paul Marat, gave a rousing speech in front of the revolutionary assembly. During this assembly many great and noble things were stated in an attempt to preserve the revolution. None, however, so noble as his final words which were "Frappez-il pas le rock" which interpreted means "Knock it not rock it." Marat then made a fist and knocked jaque loius Danton's fist. Thunderous applause then occurred. The revolution was saved. However, others, such as maximllion robspierre feared this radical changed and as a result had Marat murdered in his bathtub full of oatmeal. Other revolutionaries feared the same fate as Marat and therefore never used the "knock" again. Rise of Roman Empire and assasination of Julius Cesar Following the crossing of the Rubican Julius Cesar turned to his then fearful troops and proclaimed "Pulsate non saxo" which is interpreted as "knock not rock." his troops then gained courage and began to knock one another's fists. Soon the first ever Roman Empire was created with the inventor of the "knock it not rock it" as the head of the empire. Brutus and other's fearing the power of the "knock it not rock it" movement planned and carried out an assasination on Cesar on the ides of March. While "ette tu brute" is commonly stated Brutus' response is relatively unkown. However, Brutus Responded "Pulsate et timui" or "I was afraid of the knock." 

1 comment:

  1. amen and hallelujah. may the revolution affect many people's lives for the better. down with corporate american and the tyranny they are afflicting the american and global society with
